Albert Einstein placed high value on reading, noting it was a crucial element to every child’s capacity for intelligence and education. Not only is reading essential for a child to be successful in school, it is something they need throughout their entire life journey.

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” –Albert Einstein

Most of a child’s learning comes from reading books. The better they can read, the more successful they will be in learning at school. Reading is how we communicate with history. It is from reading that we learn lessons that society has built over time. Reading provides an incremental and practical learning environment as compared to studying, memorizing or having to learn something over and over. Some stories have outlasted cultures and the communities in which they first were told. The classics still have a lot to offer both to children and adults alike.

Reading is like taking a ride on a magic carpet where you travel through history or other dimensions while discovering new realities or life lessons. Reading is practical and fundamental for the children’s development. Here are some reasons why you should read with, and encourage your child to read on their own:

  1. It improves concentration and focus.
  2. Improves memory.
  3. Explores other cultures or parts of the world.
  4. Is a form of exercise that boosts comprehension and vocabulary.
  5. Develops critical thinking skills.
  6. Fosters empathy and human relationships.
  7. Sparks imagination.
  8. Leads to better performance in school.
  9. Is a source of healthy entertainment.
  10. Develops confidence and positive self-image.

Overall, reading enhances and supports healthy habits and success in school, communication and relationships with other that are so important in our lives. Teach your child the joy that comes with picking up a good book and transporting themselves to another world in which they can learn, grow and be entertained.